US3185275A – Overload clutch or torque …
F16D43/204 — Automatic clutches actuated entirely mechanically controlled by torque, e.g. overload-release clutches, slip-clutches with means by which torque varies the clutching pressure of the ratchet type with intermediate balls or rollers

Torque limiter – Wikipedia
2018-8-26 · A torque limiter is an automatic device that protects mechanical equipment, or its work, from damage by mechanical overload. A torque limiter may limit the torque by slipping (as in a friction plate slip- clutch ), or uncouple the load entirely (as in …

Torque Limiters and Overload Clutches : mayr
Backlash-free Torque Limiters / Safety Clutches from the market leader mayr to protect your systems against overload. … Torque Limiters Overload Protection using Torque Limitation. filter reset. transmission. linear … The torque limiting clutch integrated into IEC and NEMA housings.

Torque Overload Devices | Mechanical …
2018-9-9 · The Browning® Torq/Pro® overload clutch is a release-type ball-detent style torque overload device with a single position reset configuration. Torque capacity up to 63300 in-lbs, and speed ranges up to 1200 rpm.

Torque Limiter – Buy Torque Limiting …
Torque Limiter , Find Complete Details about Torque Limiter,Torque Limiting Device,Overload Cluth,Overload Protecter from Shaft Couplings Supplier or Manufacturer-Cangzhou Tanso Coupling Co., Ltd.

US3270844A – Overload clutch or torque …
Prior art keywords element clutch torque balls slots Prior art date 1963-07-30 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.

Torque Limiting Clutches – brunelcorp.com
The clutch can be installed in any drive system, safeguarding against sudden surges or gradual build-up of torque. Modifications are possible to provide manual lever operation of the clutch while retaining the overload release feature.

Torque Limiter | Mechanical Overload …
Clutch. Overload Protectors. Materials Handling Systems. Materials Handling Systems. … The Torque Limiter with a sprocket is standardized, saving you the hassle of machining and assembly … During overload, if the operational torque exceeds the set torque, the center member slips between the friction facings.

Overload & Coupling Torque Limiter | …
Torque Limiting Device Overload & Coupling Torque limiters In order to overcome the problems associated with conventional round shearpins, Howdon developed a wedge shaped shearpin introducing a completely new concept for torque limiters.

Dalton OSD Overload Safety Devices Torque …
Browse Dalton OSD Overload Safety Devices Torque Limiters-Couplings in the Dalton Gear Co. catalog including Dalton Model “OSD” Overload Safety Device,Dalton Model “OSDC” Overload Safety Device Coupling,Dalton Model “ROSDC” Rigid Overload …
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