customized是什么意思_customized的翻译_音标_读音_ …
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供customized的中文意思,customized的用法讲解,customized的读音,customized的同义词,customized的反义词,customized的例句等英语服 …
Customized – definition of customized by …
Tannin Fuja, director of research and chief scientific officer, will address how a new, global biobank can advance development of customized medicine for skin cancers and related conditions, while enabling research into major known diseases through a unique global biomedical research protocol that ensures a diverse supply of cellular material.
customized中文是什么意思,customized中文翻译是:专 …
customized的中文意思::专门…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释customized的中文翻译,customized的发音,音标,用法和例句等。 … 定做的 customize vt. 定制,定做 …
customize是什么意思_customize的翻译_音标_读音_用 …
Customized | Define Customized at …
Customized definition, to modify or build according to individual or personal specifications or preference: to customize an automobile. See more.
Customized –
High Pressure Silicone Hose For Industrial Uses. High pressure silicone hose from SUNRISE is designed to withstand extremely high pressure. It has high burst pressure and can be used in high pressure and high temperature environment.
Customize | Definition of Customize by …
The telephone company has offered to customize a plan for our business. The program can be customized to serve different purposes.
Customized – Official Minecraft Wiki
2018-9-15 · Customized was a world type that replaced the normal varied terrain of the Overworld with custom features. Because, as of snapshot 18w06a, it was removed completely due to the rewrite of the world generation, it was then replaced by a new, easy-to-customize but considerably more limited substitute world type called …
数据定制服务 – CCERDATA
Nikon | Customized Optical Equipment
2018-9-25 · Customized Optical Equipment Business Summary. Nikon Engineering Co., Ltd. is an R&D-oriented company. We develop and supply innovative equipment and optical systems to meet the needs of our customers, using optical technology and nanotechnology as core technologies.
Our company is a professional manufacturer on various kind of bearings in China for over 15 years.If you are interested in our company's bearing and want to get the relevant information. You can consult our number: 0086-731 84770165, or left click on the website customer service online consultation.
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