centrifugal是什么意思_centrifugal的翻译_音标_读音_用法 …
【centrifugal】什么意思_英语centrifugal的翻译_音标 …-有道词典
离心式(Centrifugal): – 使用旋转叶片增加空气流速,当空气由叶片轴 心流到叶片尖端时,空气获得动能,动能转换 成静压,并在进入出口前因空气变慢而提升…
Centrifugal force – Wikipedia
2018-10-10 · In Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force (also called a “fictitious” or “pseudo” force) directed away from the axis of rotation that appears to act on all objects when viewed in a rotating frame of reference. The concept of centrifugal force can be applied in rotating devices, such as centrifuges, centrifugal pumps …
- Introduction · Examples · Derivation · Absolute rotation · Applications
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Centrifugal | Definition of Centrifugal by Merriam …
2018-10-26 · Centrifugal and Science. Centrifugal force is what keeps a string with a ball on the end taut when you whirl it around. A centrifuge is a machine that uses centrifugal force. At the end of a washing machine’s cycle, it becomes a weak and simple centrifuge as it whirls the water out of your clothes.
centrifugal中文是什么意思,centrifugal中文翻译是:离心的 …
The effect is customarily called centrifugal distortion . 这种效应通常叫做离心力形变。Harmful gases must be drawn out by centrifugal ventilator . 有害气体必须通过离心式通风 …
Centrifugal – definition of centrifugal by The Free …
the revolving of the bomb, against the external cooled crust, and so produced the solid shell of stone; and lastly, that the centrifugal force, by relieving the pressure in the more central parts of the bomb, allowed the heated vapours to expand their cells, thus forming the coarse cellular mass of the centre.
Centrifugal | Define Centrifugal at Dictionary.com
Centrifugal definition, moving or directed outward from the center (opposed to centripetal). See more.
Centrifugally – definition of centrifugally by The Free …
cen·trif·u·gal (sĕn-trĭf′yə-gəl, -trĭf′ə-) adj. 1. Moving or directed away from a center or axis. 2. Operated by means of centrifugal force. 3. Physiology Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system; efferent.. 4. Botany Developing or progressing outward from a center or axis, as in a flower cluster in which the oldest flowers are in the center and the …
Centrifugal | definition of centrifugal by Medical …
centrifugal literally, ‘centre-fleeing’.centrifugal force apparent (inertial) force on an object and centrifugal acceleration apparent (inertial) acceleration of an object, imagined by a moving observer who is rotating. For example, if a hammer thrower is rotating, all objects in his surroundings appear to him to be moving, i.e. to have centrifugal acceleration, whilst the hammer itself …
Amicon Ultra Centrifugal Filters | China-Mainland | Sigma …
2018-10-8 · Video Amicon ® Ultra filter vs. competitor centrifugal concentrator. Though the competitor device may appear to filter faster, protein is being lost through the membrane.
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