德国轴承标准(DIN Bearing standards)
2010-4-6 · 编号 中文名称 英文名称 DIN 118-1-1977 传动元件.一般机械工程用托架滑动轴承.主要尺寸 Driving Elements; Pedestal Plain Bearings …

Products | Dayton Lamina Corporation
2018-7-29 · DAYLube™ NanoCeramic Lubricating Grease. Dayton’s DAYLube™ NanoCeramic Lubricating Grease is a leading edge, extremely high-performance lubricant that has a wide range of industrial applications.

英汉船舶词汇(An English-Chinese Ship Dictionary,总 …
2012-6-9 · 英汉船舶词汇(An English-Chinese Ship Dictionary,总数52564) 本词汇表由有限会社MSC提供,欢迎使用。非法复制存照。 使用方法:打开菜单”编辑”(編集)->”查找”(この …

Lexikon der Mechatronik / englisch-deutsch
2016-2-14 · lexikon englisch / deutsch von a-z: a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z: a…

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Supply & Export to World Wide: * Ship Engine Spare Parts * Marine Electronics * Marine Navigation Stores * BA Chart & Publi

Industrial Pumping | Products
Crusader Flexibore 200. Flexible Riser Hose System has been specifically designed to replace rigid riser pipes such as steel which is subject to rust and encrustrations.

Industrial Pumping | Products
Amiad AMF. Innovative self-cleaning microfiber water filters for treatment as fine as 2 micron. Features: TSS, NTU & SDI reduction for potable and waste water applications.

기술 용어 사전 : 네이버 블로그
A 암페어 Abbe’s Principle 아베의 원리 aberration 수차 ablation 융제 ablator 애블레이터 ABM 탄도탄 요격 미사일 abnormal explosion 이상 폭발 abrasion 마모 abrasion …

‘STUDY/ENG’ 카테고리의 글 목록 | 앓음다운 세상 …
통신 속도를 나타내는 말로 “데이터 전송 속도”라고 하는 bps(bit per second)와 “변조 속도”라고 하는 baud rate가 있는데, bps는 초당 전송되는 비트수를 나타내며

플랜트 전기엔지니어의 다락방 :: ‘전체’ 카테고리의 …
케이블 덕트 용도 전력선, 통신선의 전자기장차단 필요성 전력선에서는 60Hz대역의 교류자기장이 방출되어 인체에는 유해하고 전기전자 기기에는 각종노이즈를 …
Our company is a professional manufacturer on various kind of bearings in China for over 15 years.If you are interested in our company's bearing and want to get the relevant information. You can consult our number: 0086-731 84770165, Email:bushings@slide-bearing.com or left click on the website customer service online consultation.
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